For Motivated Guitarists


Learn how to get the most out of your acoustic guitar with over 68 video lessons, downloadable backing tracks, PDFs with tabs, original songs, and more

Lifetime Access


Learn at your own pace with full lifetime access to all course materials, plus you’ll be protected by a 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

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One payment of $199


3 payments of $79

Bring Your Acoustic Guitar to Life


Learn the “crème de la crème” of various styles and techniques, spice up your playing, and have more fun practicing than ever before

From the Studio of Paul Davids
Rotterdam, The Netherlands

I didn’t always love the acoustic guitar as much as I do today.

But over time, as I started to learn more and more acoustic styles and techniques, I really grew to love playing it.

Once I gradually discovered some of the fun things to play that deeply resonated with me, the acoustic guitar really came to life in my hands.

For example, as I learned more about fingerpicking, I was able to make the acoustic guitar sound like nothing else – from playing meandering arpeggiated chords, to playing chords and melodies at the same time!

Also, I learned that the acoustic guitar can be so much more than just a vehicle for strumming a few cowboy chords we probably all know.

It can actually sound like an entire band, complete with bassline, a rhythm section, chords, and melodies... all hidden in one instrument, waiting to come out.

And once I found fingerstyle blues, I had a whole new language with a rich history within guitar music that was not only emotionally expressive and fun to play, but also made me understand much of today’s music in a far deeper way.


It’s all of these things that, together, brought out the best of the acoustic guitar for me.

From that point on, I found myself wanting to play my acoustic guitar as often as I could – even more than the electric – simply because the things I could play were just so much fun.

So, over the coming paragraphs, I want to share with you how I found the things that brought the acoustic guitar to life for me, and how you can learn these things, too.

Because even if you don’t realize it yet, there are tons of incredible things you can already play if you’re at an intermediate level, as long as you know where to find them.

But first, I want to talk about an important question many guitar players ask themselves…


Why Learn the Acoustic Guitar?


Now, maybe you already know the answer, since you already pick up your acoustic guitar regularly.

Maybe you already know the simple joy of just taking it off the stand, and sitting down to play without any expensive pedals or amps – with nothing between you and the six strings of your guitar.

Maybe you’ve already fallen in love with the genuine, direct sound that no electric instrument can match – feeling the resonance of every note you play throughout your body, making the sound not only warm and beautiful, but also very personal.

Or, you might still be in the process of discovering the richness of the acoustic, as I was at one point in time.

The important thing I didn’t always understand is this:

The acoustic guitar is not just the “little brother” of the electric guitar, it’s a beautiful instrument that has stood the test of time in its own right.

From long before the birth of blues in the Mississippi Delta nearly one hundred years ago, right up to modern-day studio recording sessions for artists across many genres, the acoustic guitar remains as relevant today as it was decades ago.

And so, when you go deep into exploring the styles and techniques available on the acoustic guitar, you won’t just sound great and have a lot of fun bringing your guitar to life...

...You’ll also become a better, more versatile and well-rounded guitarist in two important ways:

1. Getting a deeper understanding of modern music

Through learning the different styles and techniques the acoustic has to offer, you’ll become familiar with the history of the instrument, and the ways that several older styles have blended to influence the music of today.

For example, over the last century the acoustic guitar played an important role in bringing the blues to life, and blues became an integral part of how guitar music developed.

So, by becoming more fluent in playing the blues, you won’t just learn to play traditional blues tunes – you’ll also get an innate understanding of the greatest modern guitar songs that have a bluesy influence.

And that means when you hear a new song that you love, it’ll be so much easier to understand the sound you’re hearing, and how it translates to the guitar.

For instance, when I learned more styles of the past, I was able to understand so many things I’d been hearing in my favorite music, from Eric Clapton, Paul Simon and John Mayer, to The Beatles and Fleetwood Mac.


Learning the acoustic’s history, to get a deeper understanding of today’s music


Learning more styles, to develop your own sound

2. Develop your own sound

When you become familiar with a variety of techniques (like different styles of fingerpicking, palm muting, bass, chords and melodies played together, percussive slaps, muted strums, and more), it gives you so much more opportunity to play music that expresses what you want to say.

It’s like going from just learning a few words, to actually speaking a language fluently.

Instead of feeling limited to campfire-style strumming, you can mix in whatever techniques feel right to set the mood in a particular song or setting.

And that means you can create “magical moments” with your guitar, where you’re suddenly playing something amazing without even giving it too much thought.

But more importantly, you will have the broad repertoire needed to create your own sound…

Because the more techniques and styles you learn, the more ability you will have to pick and choose the ones that resonate the most with you personally.

And it’s the process of choosing those particular elements that will allow you to move past copying others, into creating your own individual identity as a musician.

So, there are plenty of reasons to learn the acoustic, and anyone wanting to become a better and more well-rounded guitarist would do well to invest more time learning it.

But what’s the best way to do it?


Knowing What to Learn


Of course, the first part of learning any kind of guitar is learning the foundations, such as correct posture and fundamental techniques, the basic chords, some scales and maybe even some music theory.

But for those who have passed the beginner stage and are already more intermediate players, the next step towards fluency on the acoustic guitar will be practicing a variety of new styles and techniques.

Now, in a perfect world, you’d go on and explore all of them – playing as much as you possibly can and learning everything...

But we also have to acknowledge, not all techniques and exercises are created equal.

There are certain things within each style or technique that are just more fun to play.

These are the things that will give your playing that little “extra.”

The things that you will enjoy the most, and will want to play over and over again.

They are the “treasures” of the acoustic guitar, the styles and techniques that really bring out the best of the instrument.

Now, while certain things are highly personal in taste, I’ve also learned that there are some things that resonate with everybody (and this is true for virtually every style and technique).

And the good news is, once you're an intermediate player, most of these things are actually already well within your reach… with a bit of practice, of course.

But the tricky thing is knowing where to find that stuff.

So, let me share with you...

A Map to the Best Stuff


At this point, I feel incredibly lucky to have discovered plenty of “treasures” on the acoustic.

But I didn’t always know where the really cool stuff was.

I spent lots of time exploring the many styles of acoustic playing, from the twangy heart of blues to the timeless tunes of 60s rock and contemporary pop.

During that time I also encountered more than one thing that didn’t resonate with my personal style.

But I patiently pursued the acoustic guitar, slowly discovering one good “nugget” after the next.

In the end, it was a journey that took me well over 15 years – and it’s still going!

I was able to do this and invest this much time because I was lucky enough to be a full-time musician and teacher. But of course, not everyone has that much time.

So, I decided to create a course to help other guitar players discover the coolest and most fun elements of the acoustic guitar – without having to spend 15 years finding them.

The course is like a map for guitarists, with all the hidden treasures marked on it.


Discover the hidden treasures of the acoustic guitar!

The course will help you discover the rich history of the acoustic guitar, and the styles and techniques that have shaped its timeless appeal…

It’ll give you the chance to try some of the best stuff I’ve found, so you can eventually use these elements to craft your own unique sound…

And it’ll let you have a ton of fun while you learn new ways to get the most out of your acoustic guitar.

I can’t wait to share it with you!


Hi, I’m Paul Davids


I’ve got a music degree in guitar from Rotterdam Conservatory and spent over a decade teaching private guitar lessons to students of all ages and styles.

These days, I share my love of guitar with people all over the world through my YouTube channel, with over 3 million subscribers.

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A few years ago, I created my first online guitar course, called “Learn, Practice, Play,” so that I could give more in-depth instructions (compared to my YouTube videos). It was so successful that I followed it up with an intermediate course called “Next Level Playing.”

These two courses created a clear step-by-step path for learning guitar – from the very beginning, through to a solid intermediate level.

With this third course, I show intermediate players how to get the most out of the acoustic guitar.

It’s an incredibly personal course and was tons of fun to put together – a start-to-finish celebration of the acoustic guitar.


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My course for intermediate guitarists is designed to help you bring your acoustic guitar to life while learning the “crème de la crème” of various styles and techniques, so you can spice up your playing and have more fun practicing than ever before!

Choose Your Own Adventure


Unlike my other courses, this course has no set order you need to follow. Instead, you’ll have freedom to explore whatever style or technique you feel like playing, whenever you want to play it.

Not only will you choose for yourself what skills you’d like to work on each day, you’ll also be able to choose your own level of challenge within each area of study. The lessons will be arranged in order of difficulty (from easiest to most challenging) so that you can take on big goals in manageable steps.

So, whether you’re looking for something that you can already play easily, or want to take on a new challenge, you’ll always be able to choose your own path.

Learn Through Immersion


Every skill or technique in Acoustic Adventure is taught through beautiful and incredibly fun original songs and exercises (written by me!).

Just as we become fluent in a language by speaking it, rather than just reading the dictionary, you will become fluent on guitar by playing new things in songs that sound great.

That way, you’ll not only get some great techniques under your belt; you’ll also come away with lots of tunes you can pull out at your next get-together.

Grow as a guitar player while having fun

Acoustic Adventure gives you the “map” to explore a wide variety of styles and techniques and lets you decide for yourself what to take on.

While working through the course, you will:

  • Bring out the best of your acoustic instrument
    This course will be taught entirely on the acoustic guitar, because so many of these techniques and styles evolved through acoustic playing, and because it’s the best type of guitar to play by yourself. I’ll show you how to get the best sound (and overcome some common acoustic challenges) on the instrument so you can have the clean and resonant sound you’ve always wanted.
  • Get familiar with many techniques and styles
    The “greats” of guitar were all able to define their sound by first getting to know the foundational techniques and styles from the past 100 years. In this course, you’ll become comfortable playing many of those styles, so you can take your playing further – whether you’re playing the greatest hits of modern guitar, or creating your own personal and unique sound.
  • Practice more than ever before
    When you dive into this self-directed adventure, every piece you learn will be a great tune to play for your friends and family. You’ll find yourself playing more and more without even trying to, just because you’re having so much fun – and the extra practice will make all the difference in becoming a better player!

Here’s What You’ll Learn Inside Acoustic Adventure


The 68 lessons inside the course are grouped together in five different “venues”. Each one has its own focus and flavor, so you can explore whichever techniques and skills you’re in the mood for that day.

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Fingerpicking Lounge

In this venue, you’ll learn all the picking patterns you need to feel comfortable playing fingerstyle guitar – one of the coolest and most rewarding playing styles on the acoustic.

Some of the things you’ll learn in this venue:

  • The basics of a solid fingerpicking technique
  • Essential picking patterns and techniques for adding variations
  • Multiple styles of fingerstyle blues in different keys
  • Travis picking and pedal tones
  • Playing melodies on top of chords
  • Plucking, slapping, and bass notes to create a “rhythm section”

The House of Rhythm

Go beyond “campfire strumming” with lots of great techniques that will make the guitar swing like never before!

We’ll cover the following (among many other things):

  • My best tips for keeping time
  • Using different techniques to create a rich and dynamic rhythm sound, like a muted/percussive strum to simulate a snare drum, palm muting, and more
  • Adding walking bass lines to “walk” from one chord to the next
  • Adding variety with passing chords, extensions, and rhythms to get the most out of playing chords
  • The classic rhythm of the 12-bar blues
Flatpickers Saloon

Flatpickers Saloon

Add a new layer of interest to songs with flatpicking, a magical ingredient for guitar playing.

A little taste of what you’ll practice in this venue:

  • Using licks and riffs to fill the gaps
  • Economy picking vs. alternate picking
  • Adding embellishments to chords and songs, using pentatonic scales in various positions
  • Creating an interesting sound with barre chords, fast runs, pull-offs, and hammer-ons
  • Mixing scales like major, pentatonic, and even Mixolydian!
The Stage

The Stage

Time to jam! Play original songs I wrote especially for this course, covering the techniques you’ll learn in the other venues.

A few of the things you’ll get to play:

  • A piece in 6/8 based on triads and inversions, with a cool chromatic descending bass
  • A film soundtrack style piece to set the mood, with bending and syncopated rhythms
  • An extended version of my “legendary” Travis picking song, with a B-part I’ve never taught before!
  • A classic bluegrass tune with fast runs and blues notes, mostly using the Mixolydian mode
  • A slow blues with the “thumpin’ string method,” to spark the imagination
The Academy

The Academy

Need a quick refresher on guitar fundamentals and music theory? Then head here!

Some of the things we’ll cover:

  • The basics of strumming, picking, and getting the sound you want
  • Open pentatonic shapes, and major and minor scales
  • The classic I - IV - V progression
  • How to use pentatonic boxes for every chord
  • The step-by-step strategy for a precise percussive slap

3 Adventurous Bonuses


When you enroll in Acoustic Adventure, you’ll also get access to 3 bonuses:

1. Acoustic Adventure Community Facebook Group

When you join this course, you’ll get to connect with hundreds of other passionate guitarists inside the private Facebook community to exchange feedback, encouragement, tips and tactics to improve your musical skills.

  • Connect with your fellow guitarists, share your progress, and share videos of your latest musical adventures
  • Get instant feedback on your technique from others in the community, so you can improve even faster
  • Make friends with people from every corner of the world, building their guitar skills just like you are
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2. 5 Q&A Videos

In order to help you with questions you have while going through the course, I created a series of videos with detailed answers to the most frequently asked questions from past course members.

Each section of the course has a dedicated video to help clear up any lingering questions you may have while working through the material for that venue and to make sure you’re getting the most out of the course.

3. Video Guide: How to Find the Perfect Acoustic Guitar

Finding the right guitar is a quest that, for most people, never really stops. And that’s a good thing, because it’s a lot of fun! But how do you find the right guitar?

In this video guide, we’ll talk about all of the variables that affect the sound quality and playability of an acoustic guitar, so you’ll know how to find the best guitar for your needs.

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Enroll in Acoustic Adventure


When you enroll in the course, you get lifetime access to all course materials.

What’s included:

  • 68 in-depth video lessons (beautifully shot in three angles)
  • Bonus #1: Acoustic Adventure Community Facebook Group
  • Bonus #2: 5 Q&A Videos
  • Bonus #3: Video Guide: How to Find the Perfect Acoustic Guitar
  • And extras like lesson PDFs with tabs and standard notation, downloadable backing tracks, chord charts, a music glossary, and a printable songbook for each venue

Plus, you’ll be backed by my 14-day money-back guarantee.

To join, select one of the following options:

Pay Upfront: 1 Payment of


Pay Monthly: 3 Payments of

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My 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee

I want to give you the chance to try Acoustic Adventure for yourself and start exploring all of the styles and techniques that will bring your acoustic guitar to life.

That’s why I’m giving you a full two weeks to start exploring the course.

If you find the course isn’t a good fit, simply email my team ( within 14 days and I’ll refund your entire purchase, unconditionally.

My 14-Day Money-Back Guarantee


Watch a short compilation of reviews from
Acoustic Adventure students…


Since the opening of Acoustic Adventure, hundreds of intermediate guitarists have joined the course…

Some of them have been playing the acoustic for years and looked to further refine their playing, while others put their electric guitar aside to fall in love with the acoustic for the first time.

Regardless of the student’s background, I was seriously amazed by the positive feedback the course received.

Here’s a fun little compilation of video reviews from a variety of course students:

In addition, dozens of members also left really lovely written reviews. You can read some of them below.

What Students are Saying About the Course


The lessons are great. They develop techniques in a clearly thought-out manner. I find myself doing things that a few weeks ago I would have thought impossible. Paul's passion for playing the acoustic guitar shines through. I also like the way I get to choose my own path through things, focusing on certain skills and playing styles that resonate with me. - Michael D.

I have been playing guitar on and off for several years, and more recently have been playing mostly acoustic. While I can play some finger style, I mostly resort to just strumming chords. This course has opened up the acoustic guitar for me. So many great styles to bring richness to my playing. Thanks for such a great course! - Tony D.


Acoustic Adventure was exactly what I was looking for. Through this course, Paul takes you through the fundamentals of strumming, flat-picking, and finger-style guitar to allow you to explore all that the guitar has to offer and your personal style. The course is carefully thought out and beautifully engineered, with short ~10-minute videos that you can work through at your own pace. Lessons are based on learning an original musical piece, with light theory sprinkled in, so that you can immediately apply what you are learning. This course offered the structure, content, and motivation for me to finally start to unlock the potential of my guitar. Thanks, Paul! - Jack T.

This course is just what I was looking for as someone trying to move past the beginner level. Paul's music is so much fun to play! The course has tons of information, yet it's easy to navigate. The audio/video quality is outstanding. If you like his YouTube lessons, you will love this course. - Janette E.


This course is awesome! For so long I’ve dreamt of having the ability to make music, complete with rhythm, melody, and harmony, entirely with my fingers rather than just a few chords, and this course has finally steered me in that direction. While the course is certainly challenging for my current skill set, none of the songs I’ve learned so far seem so out of reach that they become discouraging. Furthermore, Paul Davids is both an excellent and entertaining teacher, adding to the effectiveness of the course. I started playing guitar late in life, but Acoustic Adventure has given me a roadmap for riding into the sunset for the rest of it. - Hector R.

I have been playing guitar for over 20 years, but primarily electric. Whenever I would pickup an acoustic, I didn't know what to do, except to strum, and I was always mesmerized by much more "musical" fingerpicking players. About a week into the lessons, I am already fingerpicking and loving it. This was exactly what I needed. The best part is that I can choose my own pace and my own direction. Thanks again, Paul Davids! - Joe S.


Awesome course!! Just makes you wanna play the acoustic even more! - Sten V.

It’s a great way to unlock your guitar potential, and help you have as much fun playing it as possible. - Ágúst E.


Acoustic Adventure is a fantastically comprehensive approach to developing your own style and sound on the acoustic guitar. Each lesson builds on the last, and all of Paul’s written materials are notated on the staff or in tab form, allowing the player to develop all of the harmonic and theoretical sides to their playing.
- Maureen M.

Awesome course if you're looking to broaden your musical culture around acoustic guitar. Get ready to learn a lot of different styles that you'd typically never touch as a campfire player, with just the right amount of theory to make the whole thing make sense! - Matt P.


Rapidly getting better every week, surprising myself on skills and tempo. Playing for years, I've been wandering around learning bits and pieces and finally, I found out what Paul always said: everything is connected. Suddenly I hear better, play my own interpretations, learn songs real quick. Best course ever! - Pepijn v S.

As an advanced beginner, I’ve found something new and valuable in every lesson, even the elementary ones. I also found some challenges I didn’t think I would be able to play, but I have. This course is a great way to grow your acoustic skills. - Carol B.


Having followed Paul Davids on Youtube, I had high expectations for this course. I wasn't disappointed. First, the musical scores that accompany the lessons are beautiful to listen to and play. Second, the lessons are challenging and push me into new areas of expression. I'm enjoying the journey. - Keith M.


Questions and Answers about Acoustic Adventure


Q. What level of playing is required as a prerequisite for this course, and how do I know if it’s right for me?

A. Acoustic Adventure is designed for intermediate-level guitarists, loosely defined. To get the most out of this course, you should be comfortable playing the most commonly seen chords, and have some familiarity with barre chords.

If you’ve been through Learn, Practice, Play and you’re excited to learn, you’re welcome to try this course and I really think you’ll have a blast. If you’ve been through Next Level Playing, you’ll definitely be well-prepared to go on your Acoustic Adventure.

If you don’t have the level of comfort with chords or the training described above, I’d suggest starting with one of my step-by-step courses first to build your foundational skills.

If you’re not sure what “level” you’re at, that’s OK; feel free to join this course and get started on it. If it isn’t a good fit, you can get a refund within the first 14 days (or exchange it for my beginner course, Learn, Practice, Play or my intermediate course, Next Level Playing, within the first 14 days).

Q. Do I need to be available at certain times to participate? What if my schedule gets busy?

A. Acoustic Adventure is a self-paced online course, so you can go through the lessons at any time that is convenient for you. And because you get lifetime access when you join, you don’t need to worry about your schedule getting busy. If something does come up in your schedule that prevents you from starting right away or slows down your progress, the course will always be available for you to pick up again whenever you can come back to it.

Q. What kind of guitar do I need for this course?

A. This course is designed for acoustic guitar, and I play several of my favorite acoustic guitars throughout the different lessons. If you already have an acoustic guitar, I’d definitely recommend using it for this course. It’s not just the “little brother” of the electric guitar; it’s actually a beautiful instrument in its own right, with a lot of cool characteristics, and history in the evolution of guitar music across many styles. Also, it is often the best option for playing by yourself.

If you don’t have an acoustic guitar yet, you can still join if you like. Most (probably even all) of the songs and exercises in the course can also be played on an electric guitar, and I’m sure you’ll have a great time going through them. With lifetime access to the course, you’ll have plenty of time to get started on the electric and then consider getting an acoustic when you’re ready – and I even give you some shopping tips inside the course.

Q. I’m not overly excited about theory, scales, and exercises; is this course for me?

A. Unlike my first two courses, which were designed to walk step-by-step through the fundamentals of guitar (including theory, scales, and exercises), this course is not a systematic study of all aspects of guitar knowledge, level by level. Rather, this course is an open-ended opportunity for you to explore a wide variety of techniques and styles. So, while you will encounter some theory and scales in passing, these will not be the main point of any lesson. Instead, you’ll hear me mention theory and scale concepts in the context of showing you how to play a piece.

Q. I’m not a big fan of some “older” guitar styles, like blues. Will this course be a good fit?

A. If you’re motivated to get a better understanding of modern music, you’ll definitely benefit from going through the course, regardless of what styles of music you usually gravitate towards. Lots of today’s music has roots in the blues (even if you can’t tell at first), so, when you learn the blues on acoustic guitar, you’re not just playing old-time blues; you’re also learning to understand modern styles.

And we won’t be playing boring old blues. Just very cool blues.

Q. How much practice time should I plan for this course?

A. That’s entirely up to you; the more you practice, the better your results will be! If you need to take it slow with only a short practice time each day, that’s no problem. But my hope (and expectation!) is that once you get started learning the great-sounding songs and exercises in the course, you’ll start practicing more than ever before without even meaning to, just because you’re having so much fun!

Q. I already know some fingerpicking and flatpicking techniques. Should I still consider taking the course?

A. Yes, absolutely. Even if you are technically proficient in one or both of these techniques, it doesn’t mean you always know what to “say” with your instrument! The course doesn’t just teach the “how to” of techniques, but also gives context about aspects of fingerpicking, flatpicking, and strumming that you might not even be aware of. There’s always more to learn, and because this course allows you to choose your own adventure, you can focus on the areas where you want to go deepest.

Q. I’ve found acoustic playing to be more difficult than electric. Will the course be worthwhile?

A. Many people gravitate towards the electric guitar because it feels easier to play. The acoustic guitar doesn’t “cover” for you in the same way, and does feel like it’s a bit harder to play comparatively.

However, if you can learn to play things well on the acoustic guitar, it will definitely translate into you sounding way better on the electric guitar. By honing your skills on the acoustic, you’ll become a much better player overall.

Q. What happens if I try the course but don’t end up liking it?

A. If you find the course isn’t a good fit, simply email my team ( within 14 days and I’ll refund your entire purchase, unconditionally. Or, if you find the course is too challenging or want more step-by-step guidance, my team will happily exchange your Acoustic Adventure membership for one of my other courses, either Learn, Practice, Play (for beginners) or Next Level Playing (for intermediate players).


Is this course
right for you?


You’ll know Acoustic Adventure is a good fit for you if…

  • You want to become more versatile and well-rounded across different musical styles, but don’t know where to start…
  • You’ve been looking for some ways to add variety and “spice” to your playing, to take it beyond just strumming the right chords…
  • You have an acoustic guitar but haven’t been able to make it sound as rich and clear as you’d like to…
  • You’ve always wanted to learn the fingerpicking techniques used by guitarists like John Mayer, Mark Knopfler, John Fahey, Doc Watson, or Tommy Emmanuel, but didn’t know how to approach learning them…
  • You’re ready to take your guitar playing up a notch, but haven’t felt inspired to put in the practice time...

If any of these sound familiar, then Acoustic Adventure will be the perfect self-directed journey for you to embark on, even if you haven’t played your acoustic guitar in a while.

Join now and get lifetime access to:

  • 68 in-depth video lessons (beautifully shot in three angles)
  • Bonus #1: Acoustic Adventure Community Facebook Group
  • Bonus #2: 5 Q&A Videos
  • Bonus #3: Video Guide: How to Find the Perfect Acoustic Guitar
  • And extras like lesson PDFs with tabs and standard notation, downloadable backing tracks, chord charts, a music glossary, and a printable songbook for each venue

Plus, you’ll be backed by my 14-day money-back guarantee.

To join, select one of the following options:

Pay Upfront: 1 Payment of


Pay Monthly: 3 Payments of

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Closing Thoughts


In my decade of teaching private studio lessons, I learned by experience that there are some pieces that literally every student just loves to play.

Every song in this course is that kind of piece.

In a way this is my most personal course; while my other courses taught fundamental things everyone needs to learn, this course is based entirely on what I think is fun to play.

And because Acoustic Adventure is created around my own taste as a guitarist, it is also the course that I’ve enjoyed making the most.

It is exactly the kind of course I wish I’d had access to 15 or 20 years ago.

So if you’re ready to get the most out of your acoustic guitar – and you really want to bring it to life – I hope you’ll join me on this adventure.
